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Best Months To Get Married in Florida

The Best Times of Day and Months To Get Married in the Florida Keys

When are The Best Months and Times to Get Married in Florida We get that question so many times and we are here to answer your question properly so you can have a beautiful Florida Keys Wedding

The Answer to your question “When are The Best Months and Times to Get Married in Florida?” Is going to be February to May. That is considered our busiest times of the year for Destination Weddings and mainly is due to our Weather. 

Although those are considered our busiest times of the year, There are still some great months that are the best months to get married in the Florida Keys! 

Below We are going to go one by one on all of the calendar months of the year. The Pro’s and Con’s of each month and hopefully that will help you make a better informed decision on when the best times of the year are to get married in Florida. 

Things to Consider

While most wedding dates are held due to a symbol or a time in your life that reflects that date, most people choose a wedding date for their destination wedding based on weather. 

We all want to avoid rain, heat, cold, storms, hurricanes, and all other elements of Earth that can affect our perfect wedding. 

Some Pros & Cons for getting married during a busier season.


  • Cooler Days and Nights
  • Less Bugs/Mosquitos
  • Local Activities 
  • Less Chance of Rain


  • Hotel Prices are higher
  • Vendors Get booked up alot sooner
  • Venues charge a higher site fee
  • Holiday Rates will skyrocket
  • Expect Travel Delays

Some Pros & Cons for getting married during an off season.


  • Cheaper Rates for Site Fees
  • Cheaper Rates for Hotels for Guests
  • More Vendors to Choose From (Available) 
  • Less Traffic
  • Easier to Schedule (Guests Can get Vacation Times in Summer) 


  • Higher Chance of rain
  • Heat Index Higher
  • Bugs/Mosquitoes May be more prevalent
  • Shorter Times May be planned for ceremony & reception

Now just because some pro’s out weigh the con’s and vice versa, doesn’t really mean anything important. 

Sometimes life may dictate when you can have your wedding and just because a season has more pros then cons, those cons could be a deal breaker. 

Below we are going to go into a little more detail regarding each particular month and what they have to offer. 

1.) January

January is an absolute beautiful month. While the weather may be a little more chillier for outdoor activities, like Swimming, snorkeling, diving, etc.. For having a wedding, the weather is perfect. There is very little rain, weather is crisp and cool, venues usually seem to have alot of availability during this month and are reasonably prices. 

Tip: Avoid New Years Day as it is highly requested and very expensive for hotels and venues. 

2.) February

February Starts our busy Season for The Best Months and Times to Get Married in Florida. Between Valentines Day, Presidents Day, and the fact that alot of people get those off for vacation, it starts the wedding season for us. There is also another reason February starts to get busy. It’s beautiful. 75 Degrees during the day and low 60’s during the night make perfect wedding weather. 

Expect Hotels and Venues to start charging premium rates. 

Tip: If getting married on Valentines Day or during Presidents Week, plan in advance. We recommend at least a year in advance to start putting deposits and reserving dates. Note, Hotels and Resorts will have premium Rates. 

3.) March

March We would say is officially The Best Months and Times to Get Married in Florida. It is the most busiest for us, the weather is perfect for weddings and outdoor activities such as diving, snorkeling, and swimming. 

Tip: If planning for March, plan early, at least a year in advance. Hotels and Resorts will also have premium rates. Vendors and Venues will start getting booked early. 

4.) April

April is probably our second busiest and popular month to have weddings in Florida. The weather is also perfect, rain is still not coming down. 

Tip: If planning for April, avoid Easter Weekend if you can.  Plan early, at least a year in advance. Hotels and Resorts will also have premium rates. Vendors and Venues will start getting booked early.

5.) May

Still staying within our busy Season, May can be one of The Best Months and Times to Get Married in Florida. The weather is starting to warm up for the ocean waters. School is ending and guests are itching to get away for a weekend which makes it easier for guests to travel and come when invited. May doesn’t seem to have alot of Rain still and the bugs are still at Bay.  

Tip: If planning for May, avoid holidays like Memorial Day if you can. Resorts and Hotels are still charging premium rates at this time. 

6.) June

June is a great month to get married here in Florida. The weather is warm, the area is vibrant, Summer is starting to begin and our Islands are filled with joy! Schools are out, easier for guests to come and join. While the weather is starting to warm up, the heat isn’t that bad as one would think and the rain, if it happens, is usually during the morning for a brief time. 

Tip: If planning for June, think about pushing back ceremony and reception times. Having ceremony before Sunset is ideal. Hotels and Resorts will start lowering pricing and venues and vendors start to have more availability.  

7.) July

July seems to be a little less popular. The heat is starting to rise a little bit, the rain is starting to come down and the bugs are starting to show up. We feel July is perfect for those smaller events of 50 or less. Our town seems to have alot of events never the less because hotel rates are great and people want to come to the Keys for a Summer Trip. 

Tip: If planning for July, avoid the 4th if you can. Venue and Hotels will charge higher for the 4th of July. Also, lobster mini season starts at the end of July which can sky rocket hotel and resort prices.   

8.) August

August and September are probably the least popular times for weddings and events in Florida. The heat is at its highest and the rain is falling the most. The good side about August is the prices are great. We also recommend this month for smaller weddings and events (50 or less). August will also have a nice ocean breeze coming off that will keep things cool, however that may blow your decorations around a bit so keep that in mind if you book Oceanside instead of bayside. 

Tip: If planning for August, keep things short if you can and push your ceremony and reception times back towards night time when its cooler. 

9.) September

September is probably the most unpopular time and month to get married in Florida. The weather is hot, we are more susceptible to storms and bugs. This month is where you will find the absolute best pricing for not only venues and hotels, but vendors might also throw in discounts as well. We also recommend this month for smaller wedding guests (50 or less). 

Tip: If planning for September and wanting to get the best bang for your buck, avoid labor day as that is when the month will have the highest prices. 

10.) October

October is alot more popular and we highly recommend this month. The weather is starting to cool again, the sunset colors in the sky are great, and the venues and hotels/resorts are still dragging those Summer prices along. October is a great month to get married in Florida! 

Tip: If planning for October, try to avoid Halloween although it is not as bad for the upper keys, Key West does host a huge festival that weekend. 

11.) November

Coming in at top 5, if not top 4 is November. It is the most under rated month to have a wedding in Florida. The Best Months and Times to Get Married in Florida. The weather is perfect, hotels and resorts are reasonably priced, venues and vendors have availability, bugs and rain are slim and limited. This is a great month to have a wedding in Florida!

Tip: If planning for November, try to avoid Thanksgiving weekend as it will be pricier than other weekends. 

12.) December

December is a great month to get married. The weather is also beautiful, it begins those holiday and celebratory season and just makes sense to have a wedding in December. 

Tip: If planning for December, please try and stay away from Christmas and New Years, it is the most busiest time of the year and hotels, resorts, and venues can charge almost triple the amount compared to earlier times of the month. 

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